
              Do you know why those sensors that sometimes exist in a house are good? Well…not only to protect from burglars. Who has time anyway to arm the house every time they leave?               Those sensors that blink or make a tiny sound every time somebody moves in the house are good for some nights […]

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Îi simțea mirosul. Era același miros de putrezit pe care îl știa din copilărie când maică-sa lăsa la soare hălci de carne, atârnate de fire de ață împuțite, pe care apoi le pregătea în fel de fel de tocănițe și fripturi. Își aducea aminte cum era obligată să mănânce tot, fără să se plângă, sub […]

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            Sometimes in life you just have to stop and stare. One day it may be your neighbor licking his cat and you look at him and think hey, maybe he’s retarded, or maybe some other day it may be that weird looking monkey fucking his buddy in the zoo and you can’t move away […]

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