
Robbie was a twenty-nine year old man who liked to think he was a decent person. He had finished Law school with a decent grade, got a job as an intern for a while and now he was working as a lawyer for a big firm. He even had his own office with a good […]

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ON VACATION, Kindle Edition is now LIVE! FREE with Kindle Unlimited and only 2.97 euro without. Get it HERE Cesar and Auri are tired parents in need of a vacation. When they finally stumble upon an amazing offer, they do not hesitate. What they don’t know is that the island is not what it seems, […]

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Oameni cu fețe monotone

Când plâng, oamenii cu fețe monotone își lungesc gâturile de parcă ar vrea să ajungă la cer, să atingă stelele cu frunțile lor netede peste care nu a trecut niciun rid, iar mâinile lor, ca doi clești uriași, își cască degetele și se răsfiră în aer, pentru că ei nu vor decât atingere. Oamenii ăștia […]

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Dragii mei, Visul a venit de la tipografie vara asta, în plin sezon de vacanță. S-a citit pe plajă, la cafenea, în parc, uneori sub umbrelă, alteori a stat la bronzat direct în nisip. Cine dorește să comande volumul în limba română poate trimite mail la Prețul este 40 lei + taxe poștale. Dacă […]

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“It’s all about perspective. And a little distance I guess. Some things are just better when viewed from afar. Take my face for example. If I sit down on my chair and look at my skin in the mirror without leaning forward, I might not see the pimple that had erupted the night before, or […]

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THE DREAM is now available !

Drumroll please… MY NEW BOOK “THE DREAM” IS FINALLY AVAILABLE!! Quick link: The Dream, Dana Enache: I am overly excited to share this amazing news with you today! After so much time dedicated to this book, I can finally scream “I DID IT!”. But, it was not my effort solely. Some very talented and […]

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              Do you know why those sensors that sometimes exist in a house are good? Well…not only to protect from burglars. Who has time anyway to arm the house every time they leave?               Those sensors that blink or make a tiny sound every time somebody moves in the house are good for some nights […]

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